Monday, August 9, 2010


Originally uploaded by Catcher In My Eye
I posted this a year ago on my flickr in a set, titled "Oh, The Places you Will Go". I took a few dozen of my favorite grandkid photos and turned them to black & white photos and borrowed Dr. Seuss quotes to caption my photos.
This photo was taken just hours after these 2 families of grandkids got together for the first time that THEY remember. Their ages spanned between 2&4.
The two dark haired grandkids were born and live in Italy. My two little blond grand boys live here in Oklahoma.
I am looking forward to us all getting together again in September and introducing new baby Maddy to her OKIE cousins!
As the kids did sat down to eat together for the first time at my new little table and chairs brought special just for the 4 of them, they did remember to stop and pray together.
I Am Thankful that their parents have raised them all to pray and to be THANKFUL that God has blessed us with a loving family.
I, too, am THANKFUL for a loving family.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Originally uploaded by Catcher In My Eye
This is another remembered favorite moment that I captured last year when all four grandkids got together for the first time. I took this at at train depot as all the kids sat on a baggage cart. The 2,3 and 4 yr. olds had a great time playing together! Great taste of what is to come! :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Smallest Bundle of Laundry

I noticed today that this adorable little bundle sleeping in a washtub has had 915 views!
I can't wait to see my newest grand daughter in a few weeks on her first trip to America!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Old Fashioned Fun

Old Fashioned Fun
Originally uploaded by Catcher In My Eye
I wonder if we will still be having a Farmer's Market in September?
Is there anything better that 4 grandkids eating honeysticks together?
Maybe!? I bet Grandchild #5 will like honeysticks this year with her cousins!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010